Daily Archives: May 11, 2006


I have used notes with everything written down on them. I have used sparse powerpoint slides which the students need to fill in. I have even seem some of the students’ notes–everything I have said written down. But when I talk to the same students, it is clear that they remember the jokes and the silliness, and rarely the main points.

I would be annoyed. Then I remember that I often don’t understand anything clearly until I work through the problems on my own. I guess that the students simply need notes and time to think in class. It is dreamy to expect them to be able to do much more until they get cracking on studying. And be careful of the ‘nodders.’ I have learned through experience that it nodding yes and understanding are different things.

I need to learn more about learning. After all, I suspect that the way I learn is not the same way as most students.